TRYING OLAPLEX & HOW TO APPLY IT | Is Olaplex for my hair type 3c/4a???
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When I first heard of Olaplex I wasn’t quite sure if it was a product for me. I had not heard or seen anyone with my type of hair talking about it. So, I decided to try it because of what other’s were saying their results were and to see if it was something that would work for me.
My hair was super damaged from me personally dying my hair so much and relaxing it a lot. Even though I had grown out my relaxer, my hair was still damaged from it. I had scraggily straight ends where my hair did not curl at all anymore. In order to make it curl up I would use gel, which would in turn make my hair hard. It was so damaged that I was discouraged and had no idea how to make it better.
After I tried Olaplex the first time it was like MAGIC! I noticed my hair did not shed (break) nearly as much as I was used to. A few strands instead of a glob of hair after brushing through my hair. I was astonished. I started using it every other day and my straight scraggily ends started to curl back up. Again, it was like MAGIC!
After a month of doing it every other day I went to once a week because my hair felt and looked so much better. I love this product and the wonders it has done to my hair. Do I still use it today. . .the answer is YES!!!
Below I will show you how to apply Olaplex No 3 Take Home to get the best results because if you do not apply it correctly, it will not work.
Olaplex No 3 has been a hair saver for me and my damaged curly hair! I hope this helps you out if you were thinking of trying it.
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